Tuesday 19 February 2013

Day 30: Y: The Last Man - Book One by Brian K. Vaughn

Several words to describe Vaughn’s work would be: clever, political, wry, variably pessimistic and optimistic, well-written, and fast-paced. The dystopian future where all living things with a Y chromosome die in the same exact instant (except for one man and his monkey) is a truly fascinatingly concept that is explored intelligently. I applaud the writer for handling the political and social fallout realistically. The first arc depicts Yorick’s travels with Agent 355 and Dr. Mann to reach her lab in California and develop a means of cloning males for the human species to survive. Their long journey across America’s chaotic landscape culminates in a climactic confrontation in a small settlement in Ohio between Yorick and his sister, wherein they find one another fearsomely changed by the event that changed the world. 

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