Tuesday 20 November 2012

Day 25: American Gods by Neil Gaiman

I sometimes hate low late I am at getting around to reading these really good books that you feel like everyone else has already devoured. It’s like coming really late to a party, except you’re not fashionable and all the good food is gone. “American Gods” is quite phenomenal in Gaiman’s manner of handling the deities and belief systems. Shadow is a relatable protagonist with an uncanny ability to take all the wonderful, remarkable, and terrible stuff that happens to, and around him, in stride. The premise of the novel is essentially that when immigrants landed in America, they brought along the mythological deities that they worshipped, but when they forgot or began to disbelief in these old gods, their powers began to wane, yet they remained in the New World, stranded and abandoned by their followers. The fascinating exploration of religions and worship, the clever writing, and the powerful execution make this a truly classic read.

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